- Wanna hear something wick wack? 想听些刺激的东西吗?
- Did you hear something rustling through the bushes? 你听见有东西在灌木丛中 地移动吗?
- Save your breath! I don't wanna hear it. 不要说了,我不想听了。
- And all I wanna hear is the message beep. 我只想听到你的讯号。
- Timon: Good! We don't wanna hear about it. 哈利:一些可怕的事情。我真的不想再提了。
- Something about you makes me feelbaby my heart wants to reveali'm down on my knees, i'm asking youso these three words i wanna hear from you. 你总能找到某些事物让我觉得心动,宝贝,我想敞开我的心扉,并屈膝向你求婚,请说出我想从你耳里听到的那三个字吧。
- Do not you want to hear something funny? 你不想知道一些有趣的事吗?
- Kelsi: I am? Do you wanna hear how the duet's supposed to sound? 是么?想不想听听看这段对唱应该是什么样的?
- Stan: Dont tell me this stuff! I dont wanna hear this shit! 斯坦:不要和我说这事情!我不想听这些丢弃不要地东西!
- Who wants to hear something ironic? 谁想听些讽刺的事?
- The singer had to sing small after she heard something about him. 这位歌手听到了一些关于她的情况,她不得不保持沉默。
- Buck Barrow: Hey, you wanna hear a story ‘bout this boy? 巴克:嘿,你想听一些关于这个男孩的故事吗?
- Stan Don‘t tell me this stuff! I don‘t wanna hear this shit! 斯坦不要和我说这事情!我不想听这些丢弃不要的东西!
- And everywhere you turn you hear something new. 无论你走到哪里,你都听到新奇的事情。
- I hope to hear something favorable from you soon. 我希望能尽快听到好消息。
- Do you want to hear something interesting? 你想听有趣的事情吗?
- If you walk along the N wall you'll hear something. 如果你走到北面的墙壁,你将会发现一些事情。
- Did you say they're moving? I'd heard something of the kind myself. 是你说他们要搬家吗? 我也听到过这样的话。
- You hear something? - Like what? 有没有听到什么?-听到什么?
- Infiltrator(#): Careful team, I hear something. 妙手:且慢!似乎有东西正在靠近。